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India-Korea Business Partnership Forum 2024
한-인도 경제 공동번영의 길

We are pleased to invite you to the “India-Korea Business Partnership Forum 2024,”
co-hosted by Herald Media Group (The Korea Herald and Herald Business),
Korea International Trade Association (KITA), and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).

The forum will be held at the Yashobhoomi, New Delhi, India, on November 22nd, 2024.

This forum will provide a vital opportunity for leaders from both countries to share
their roadmaps and visions for mutual growth and invaluable insights.

Additionally, this forum will be held in conjunction with the "Korea Industry Expo (KoINDEX),"
the largest private event since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and India.

We warmly welcome your participation in the forum and look forward to your presence.

헤럴드미디어그룹(헤럴드경제·코리아헤럴드)이 한국무역협회(KITA), 인도산업연합(CII)과 함께
11월 22일(금) 인도 뉴델리 야쇼부미에서 ‘한-인도 경제 공동번영의 길’ 포럼을 개최합니다.

‘한-인도 공동번영의 길’ 포럼은 인도 현지에서의 한국 기업활동 및 경영환경 개선을 위해
양국 리더들이 동반 성장 로드맵과 비전을 공유할 수 있는 중요한 자리가 될 예정입니다.

한-인도 수교이래 민간 최대규모로 열리는 ‘대한민국산업전시회(KoINDEX)’
- 산업통상자원부, 중소벤처기업부, 경기도, 고양시 주최 - 와 연계해 진행될 본 포럼에 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.

Titleㅣ행사명 India-Korea Business Partnership Forum 2024
Themeㅣ주제 Path to Joint Prosperity between Korea and India I 한-인도 경제 공동번영의 길
Dateㅣ일시 November 22nd, 2024 (Friday) I 11월 22일(금) 09:30 ~ 14:30
Venueㅣ장소 Exhibition Hall 2, Yashobhoomi, New Delhi, India I 인도 뉴델리 야쇼부미 제2전시홀
Supported byㅣ후원
Sponsored byㅣ협찬
Languageㅣ공식언어 Korean - English simultaneous interpretation will be provided I 한-영 동시통역 제공
Registration l 참가자 등록 (09:30 ~ 10:00)

Opening Remarks

Opening Ceremony

(10:00 ~ 10:50)


Welcome Address


Congratulatory Remarks


Keynote Speech

Kim Daeja

Deputy Minister for Trade & Investment,
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
Keynote Session

(10:50 ~ 11:20)
Business Cooperation between
the Two Countries



산업통상자원부 무역투자실장
Break l 휴식 (11:20 ~ 11:30)

Chun Sangpil

Corporate Vice President & Chief Relations Officer,
Samsung Southwest Asia
Manufacturing (제조)

Bilateral Cooperation for Strengthening India’s Manufacturing Base

Moderator : Shruti Kinra
Member, CII Korea Council & Partner, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co

(11:30 ~ 12:30)


삼성전자 서남아총괄 대외협력팀장

Narinder Goyal

President – New Initiatives / Ammonia, Avaada Group

Narinder Goyal

President – New Initiatives / Ammonia, Avaada Group

Tarun Garg

Whole-Time Director & COO of Hyundai Motor India

Tarun Garg

현대자동차 인도법인 COO

S Sarathi

Group President, Group Chief Assurance Officer
& Member of the ANAND Group Executive Board

S Sarathi

Group President, Group Chief Assurance Officer
& Member of the ANAND Group Executive Board

Special Event

Presenting Achievement Awards to Influencers
for Contributions to Korea-India Relations
Special Session

(12:30 ~ 12:35)


한-인도 교류에 공헌한 인플루언서 공로패 증정

Han Seung

Chief Global Business Officer of Global Business Group,
Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.
Construction / Infrastructure

Entry Strategies for Korean Firms in India’s Housing/Infrastructure Market

Moderator : Parth Sharma
Member, CII Korea Council & President - Corporate Development, Reliance

(12:35 ~ 13:00)


대우건설 해외사업단장 전무

Prashant Yadav

Head - Sales & Marketing, Model Economic Township Limited

Prashant Yadav

Head - Sales & Marketing, Model Economic Township Limited

Shrinivas Khanolkar

Head - Products, Marketing & Corporate Communication
at Mirae Asset Investment Managers (India)
Banking/Financial Investments

Strategies for Entering
the Indian Financial Markets

Parth Sharma
Member, CII Korea Council & President - Corporate Development, Reliance

(13:00 ~ 13:30)

Shrinivas Khanolkar

미래에셋인디아 CMO
Networking Luncheon l 네트워킹 오찬 (13:30 ~ 14:30)

*The program schedule is subject to change.본 프로그램은 변경될 수 있습니다.

*The information regarding FISME Roundtable (organized by FISME) will be held on Nov. 22 from 3pm to 5pm at Room 405 (4F), Yashobhoomi Convention Center.포럼 종료 후 진행되는 인도중소기업협회 주관 라운드테이블은 11월 22일(금) 15시부터 17시까지 야쇼부미 컨벤션센터 405호(4F)에서 진행될 예정입니다.